Monday, July 29, 2013

Why is it Important for College Students to have a High Comfort Mattress?

From a recent graduate point of view,  it is expected for many students to believe that having a good night’s sleep is not a priority but after time it takes a toll both mentally and physically on the body. College students are very active and have many things to do in a day. If you have ever experienced sleeping on a dorm’s mattress then you already know how uncomfortable and hard it is to sleep on it. It is probably no surprise that 70% of college students do not get enough sleep.
In a recent study, it shows that students go through a decline in their GPA who sleep less than 5 hours a day on average. For a college student to spend everyday on a dorm mattress can leave them with not only back pain but can come with the effects of lack of sleep.
Here are some of the possible effects when a college student experiences lack of sleep:
·      Increased chance of missing classes due to over sleeping
·      Lack of focus during class
·      Drowsiness during class
·      Decreased in energy
·      Affects the cognitive process
·      Health problems
·      Can make a person gain weight
·      Impairs judgment
Students should have a place of comfort and look forward to a good nights rest after a long day and be ready for the next day to perform at their highest ability. The emotional health on a student is also compromised with lack of sleep. Parents may not have much control when it comes to their children’s amount of sleep but they can encourage sleep and give them an incentive with a high quality comfort mattress to have something they can look forward to.
 What would you prefer?


At Healthy Back we offer great quality memory foam that decreases aches in your body and gives a person a great night’s sleep. Healthy Back has spent years perfecting the balance between comfort and pressure-relief. Visit to see more details and deals we have to offer.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Why Are Office Chairs So Important For Your Back?

Are you constantly stretching your back when you are working? Do you feel uncomfortable for most of the day? Do you wish you could focus more during work? This can all be reduced by simply purchasing an office chair that best suites to your back.

Here are some top reasons that purchasing a supportive and comfortable office chair is important: 

  • Better concentration throughout work
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Endurance increases
  • Better breathing
  • Reduces, back, neck, and shoulder strains
Both lumber AND pelvic support is needed for your back especially when working a full day sitting in front of a computer. Proper support by your chair will reduce the stress you give to your back muscles. The more we sit with each day at work, the more we risk of herniating discs and other back troubles.

The Healthy Back Store Can Help!

The Healthy Back Store offers a variety of chairs where you can find the perfect one for your back. Healthy Back incorporates all this by helping you find your best chair using S.L.A.M.'s four basic criteria: Seat, Lumbar, Angles, and Motion. Healthy Back will make sure to find the best fit by going through all the four basic criteria when you come into the store. This allows your body to remain in a proper position, maintain circulation and promote motion, all very important to the health of individuals who sit for longer periods of time. Healthy Back puts in a great deal of effort to make sure they help you find the perfect fit.